Monday, September 8, 2008


At the end of August many of us started the secondary school known as college. For many of us it was the beginning of a new phase of our lives. To some, starting college is a scary time, to others it is fun and exciting. And yet, to others it is just another school year.
For me, starting college was kind of scary. Even though I was not living in the dorms or on my own, just living at home and commuting several days per week. I was coming out of my comfort zone, and doing things entirely different than I have been for the past four years. Yet, my friends find it very exciting because they are moving out and away from home.
I hope that getting into a routine and becoming familiarized with the school will help me to be less scared. I also think, that even though I'm out of my comfort zone I will begin to be more excited towards what is to come in the next few years of college. Being scared is perfectly normal, but being excited is much more fun. Have a good semester and study hard!