As I drove home from school today, I noticed many different things. One of the first things I noticed, was that it looked cold outside. Not to mention that it really was cold outside. Even though it feels like autumn just arrived, it feels like it's leaving just as quickly. It seems like we will be hearing more and more of that dreaded s word, yes, snow.
Another thing I noticed was that most of the crops are being harvested, but some are not. As I drove, I saw that one farmer picked his corn, but the next did not. In my head I was wondering why aren't all the fields being cultivated? There must be a reason, but I don't know what it is. My parents say that the corn has to be dry before being picked. But why aren't all the fields in one area cultivated. This was just a thought that came across my mind.

The third thing I noticed on my way home, was that it is no fun driving to and from anyplace alone. Since the first day of school I have been driving to TC from Sparta everyday. At first it was kind of fun because I've never driven anywhere that far away, by myself. Now it just gets really boring. Most days I don't recall very many facts about my way to or from school. There was an exception this morning though. Not even half a mile down the road this morning I thought I saw a cat crossing the road. As I stopped and waited for it to cross the road I saw that it was not in fact a cat, but it was an opossum. I have only seen an opossom one other time, so it was really cool. As I waited, this little creature meandered across the road not even seeming to notice me. It really made my day, and maybe I'll start looking for things like this on my daily drive to TC.