Last weekend we had our huge rummage sale. We had a good turnout and made quite a bit of money. As I sat there selling our old stuff, I started to observe things about the people coming to our sale. Everybody that came to our sale was so different. Some were there looking for a specific item, some didn't even plan on coming, and some came just to look around.
The people that came also had some very different personalities. One man, a World War II Veteran, came looking for war memorabilia. When we said we had none of that, he proceeded to tell us that he was going on a trip to Washington D.C. with a whole bunch of other Veterans. Then he told us about his grand children and what their interests were, and then he thanked us and left. Another lady started talking about her 8 kids and her hard life raising them. She also said she was only looking for things that her grandkids could use. She kept talking until another costomer came, which was about 15 minutes later. I'm sure that these two elderly people have very few people to talk to, so we were glad to listen to them, and agree with them. I'm thinking that they were happier when they left and I'm very glad for that.
Some other people who came were very rude I thought. Some of them didn't even stop. I'm not saying that this is bad, but we live at the end of a dead end road, out in the country. You would think that if someone drove all the way out there, that they would at least stop and look around. Others didn't even say hi when I greeted them or thanked them for coming to our sale. Many times I was glad to say, "Thank you," and let them be on their way.
All in all we had a fun time. Now that it's over I can't wait until next spring to do it all over again. I'm sure we will see many of the same people, but will also see new people too.