I like autumn because you can watch mother nature put on its winter clothing and gear up for all of the snow. Fall has been one of my favorite times of year ever since I was little. As a little girl my family lived in a house with four huge silver maple trees in the front yard. Every fall we would attempt to rake up all of the leaves and put them into bags to dispose of them. And, every year we would give up half-way through because there were so many leaves. We would end up jumping into them and making a bigger mess, and wait until they just blew away.

The past few years my family and I have lived in a house with no trees around whatsoever. I found that I really missed having to rake the leaves. I missed seeing the leaves in the yard, and the beauty of the leaves on the trees before they fell. Now, we live in a house where there are several trees, but not too many leaves to rake. That is a perfect combination for a perfect Autumn.