Thursday, November 6, 2008


The leaves have fallen off the trees, and are laying on the sidewalks and roads. This seems almost impossible knowing that just a week or two ago they were just starting to fall. The weather is starting to grow colder and colder, and soon we will be hobbling around bundled up against the snow and the cold. I love winter, but sometimes it can be a big downer.
The reason I love winter is because you can go out into the snow, and almost forget the business of the world around you. When I go outside to play with my sister, I end up making snow angels. After a few minutes, I am just laying there. Listening to everything around me. It sounds so peaceful, I almost wish I could just stay there forever. Too bad I can't, otherwise I'll freeze.
There are some unpleasant things about winter too. The most unpleasant is the shoveling. All that back-breaking work. When you don't have a snow-blower you have to rely on your shovel, and that can take forever. Another unpleasant aspect is the driving in it. I have only had my driver's license since August, so this will be my first winter driving with the snow. I am a little nervous about all the way to LaCrosse from Sparta, but I will learn to live with it and learn to drive more carefully. Even though these are unpleasant, I still really like winter, and am excited to see it come.

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