This Thanksgiving break was one of my favorite holidays ever. After getting stuffed on turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and pie on Thursday, I had a great weekend. With a Thanksgiving dinner, with 15 people it was hectic in the house, but everyone got to eat. It was a great meal, and we had a lot to look foreward to, shopping on Friday. This Thanksgiving was the first time that I have ever gone shopping on black Friday. I didn't get up at 2:30 in the morning like some people, but I did get up at 4:00. We went to Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, and Shopko. There were some really great sales, and really long lines. Not just to get in the stores, but to check out too. At Shopko, we stood in line for 45 minutes just to check out. The line went all the way around the store! I don't think that I will be shopping on the day after Thanksgiving again.
On Saturday my family and I were going to see Wicked, the musical. We spent half the day walking around The Mall of America, looking at all the cool stores. The we took the light train to the theatre. That was a really cool experience, because I have never been on a light train before. The play itself was really good, just as good as when I saw it in New York. I found myself singing along with all of the songs. In New York, we went to a workshop and learned the moves to one of the dances. As I watched the play, I thought, " That dance is way more difficult, than they make it look." I know that they're professionals, but those dances are still difficult. I can't wait to go and see it again one day. I hope that everyone had a great Thanksgiving.